If you’re thinking about getting your education online, you might be wondering whether distance learning is equivalent to online learning. Both involve learning on your own, but distance learning differs from online courses in several ways. First, distance learning does not include face-to-face interaction with instructors. Instead, distance learning focuses on digital communication, such as emails, messaging apps, discussion boards, and the school’s learning management system. Secondly, distance education differs from online courses in that it is aimed at providing a range of learning biography.
Unlike traditional classroom teaching, distance education is accessible to students around the world. It is often combined with video chat and webcam broadcasting technologies to enable students to interact with instructors and classmates. However, distance learning is not without its drawbacks. For one thing, it may not fit into students’ screen-time goals, as it requires the use of screens for schoolwork. Second, distance education requires a reliable internet connection. Lastly, distance education may not be accessible to students who live in areas with bad internet connection or who do not have adequate technology.
Aside from the technical differences, there are some common features of online courses. The content provided online is often recorded lectures, videos, PowerPoint slides, study manuals, recommended reading, and self-assessment exercises. These materials can be accessed through a smart phone or PC. You can even ask questions and interact with faculty online in an online forum. This fosters community and helps students feel comfortable asking questions.